
C6 Gk global custom?

the_coca_ · 3 · 1043

Offline the_coca_

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hello i need a gk global custom for c6 mobius

Online Reanimation

  • Knight
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    • Posts: 63
hello i need a gk global custom for c6 mobius

you can create your own gk custom, it's not very difficult.

Here are some tips so you can do it.

1. you must create an npc in the tables, idea if you do it in custom_npc
2. this npc has a teleporter type
3. You must go to the data/htm/teleporter folder and there create the html with the id of your new npc.
4. Within said html you can do it to your liking, you can accommodate the buttons and options as you like. You can even add images or backgrounds (but that requires much better knowledge and knowing how to use the unreal engine to insert the image)
5. Important: in each button you have to have the correct bypass, example: "bypass -h npc_%objectId%_goto 51" , it must always be that way, the only thing that changes is in goto 51, that number 51 always changes depending on where the gk is going to teleport the character.
6. That number that is in goto 51, that 51 corresponds to the teleporter tables that are in your database, if you go to it and open it, you will see that each line is listed, in each line you will have the teleporter locs, corresponding to the x y z, also the value and type of currency that the gk charges, you will understand this more easily once you open it and see.
7. You can also add this function msg="811;Your message" what it does is: msg (opens a dialog box or message when you click on the area you want to travel to) "811; (this corresponds to the type of box of dialogue that is in the client in a retail way, you do not need to change it, yes or if it has to go like this), Your message" (here you can add the message that will appear in this box) after that, the character confirms and will be teleported to the area you chose. This would look like this: msg="811;Town of Aden"
8. If it makes it very difficult for you to create the html, you can use some custom gk that you find on the internet and only modify the bypass
9. If you want to create gk options to custom zones that you have added and that do not exist in the game's retail gk, you can create new ones in the same table, only in the teleporter table, add a new line and complete it, you can use example and guide another line already created before that already exists in the table itself.

I hope my explanatory guide works for you, I tried to make it as simple as possible. If it had been in other times, I would have created the gk myself. If you have any questions or concerns, you can talk to me.