18.07.24 Actual for 04.01.25, based on private version
Tested on Essence chronicle
Rewrited all topic. If you want to add or edit a skill, just look at the finished example and repeat \ copy it.
I'll just write some notes here.
Path to skills: "..\game\data\stats\skills"
Conditions for skills: "..\game\data\scripts\handlers\skillconditionhandlers\"
List of SkillOperateType: "..\java\org\l2jmobius\gameserver\model\skill\SkillOperateType.java"
List of BasicProperty "..\java\org\l2jmobius\gameserver\enums\BasicProperty.java"
List of AffectScope: "..\java\org\l2jmobius\gameserver\model\skill\targets\AffectScope.java"
Parameter "isMagic": <isMagic>0</isMagic>
0 - Physical — Skill will use Soulshots and time of using skill depends on attack speed.
1 - Magic — Skill will use Spiritshots and time of using skill depends on casting speed.
2 - Static — Not mean static reuse. Use time does not depend on attack or cast speed. For static reuse use <staticReuse>true</staticReuse>.
3 - Dance
4 - Special
Skill power as a percentage of your attack (50%):
<effect name="PhysicalDamage">
If you add these "Defence.." effects to a target, then the target:
for DIFF:
Will receive MORE critical damage from PHYS SKILL
Effect will increase damage by 100 (+100)
<effect name="DefencePhysicalSkillCriticalDamage">
Will receive LESS ADDITIONAL critical damage from PHYS SKILL
Effect will reduce ADDITIONAL critical damage by 100 (-100). Tends to decrease to 0
<effect name="DefencePhysicalSkillCriticalDamage">
for PER:
Will receive MORE critical damage from PHYS SKILL
Effect will increase damage by 100% (+100% = x2 damage)
<effect name="DefencePhysicalSkillCriticalDamage">
Will receive LESS critical damage from PHYS SKILL
Effect will reduce critical damage by 80% (-80% = x0.2 damage) [max = -80%]
<effect name="DefencePhysicalSkillCriticalDamage">
Other effects:
INCREASES defense against debuffs but NOT by 100%
<effect name="ResistAbnormalByCategory">